Friday, February 10, 2012

How do i make my parents more interested in technology? put it bluntly...they are very old fashioned when it comes to using appliances, phones or basicly anything...i think honestly if i wasnt around...our house would look the same as it did back in the 80s

they need my help for the simplest tasks for example finding directions through google maps

im really interested in technology, new gadgets and gizmos, but they dont seem to see the appeal. any suggestions as to how to get them interested in exploring more convenient forms of tech and to be more technologically independent?How do i make my parents more interested in technology?
Plain and simple...An old dog can learn a new trick if it wants to. I have tried to repair a neighbors computer but the wife will wait a year till her (computer programmer son comes home). I have no training in computers but i have up graded over 10 computers and installed, removed viruses, and got almost all my software for free since 1999. I have 2 gaming computers that I use at the same time playing online games (being on disability gives me the time since i was savagely hit by ice off my tractor trailer). I am about to do the plunge into a full version windows 7 OEM. Its very hard to convince people to do the online thing. I think they maybe avoiding confrontation with family.How do i make my parents more interested in technology?
I in a mousy fashion

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