Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I need directions to Google?

People keep telling me to go ask Google, I don't know where in the sam hell Google lives! Back in my day we didn't have to go to some mystical person called Google. If we couldn't figure out something then tough noodles. And don't get me started on the people who talked during school! The teacher would tell them that they chat more than a clatter bone in a goose's *** and would be sent into the corner. Kids these days, they have it so easy!I need directions to Google?

Here you go! just type that there address into the big bar up top and you're good to go. Can I make a suggestion? I think you should switch to propane instead of charcoal. I sell propane and propane accessories, so I know what I'm talking about. Also, if you make a pokemon team, use only magikarps. You'll win for sure, I tell you h'what!I need directions to Google?
i had the same problem until i found the god pornhub and he helped my penis very niceI need directions to Google?
I bet in your day learning how to type was pretty hard too because you were all bumbfuck trolls!

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