Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Does Google Maps give great directions or what?


Step #14. LOL!Does Google Maps give great directions or what?
LMAO!! wow... I always wanted to go to Hawaii ... now I know how to get there! Thanks! =)
yeah i'd say it ROCKS MY SOCKSDoes Google Maps give great directions or what?
yeah it does:)Does Google Maps give great directions or what?
kayakingg =]

great directions ; i must say !
Mapquest is better.
LOL, coz you would so do that!

Matter of opinion
Haha effing funny =]
Yeah, it's better than Yahoo! Google.com %26amp; MapQuest.com are the ones I go to.
yeah is that where you live
How long does that take you though? Kayak wasn't my answer how to get across the Atlantic Ocean. You had to swim across.
Terrible. Yahoo Directions does though!
I never knew it'd be such an easy trip!
Have you got a kayak?

I can lend you some arm bands?!
That was funny!

It gave directions from Los Angeles, where I live, and it said to go all the way up to Wasington State then Kayak acrdiagonallyolly to Hawaii, instead of just saying to go to the beach, then kayak!!
xD xD

That made my day!

Funny how you have to drive all the way to Washington -before- getting on the kayak.

"These directions are for planning purposes only. You may find that construction projects, traffic, weather, or other events may cause conditions to differ from the map results, and you should plan your route accordingly. You must obey all signs or notices regarding your route."


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