dude. it shows you a map, how hard can it be?
If you can't handle a map, you willl probably have a very short lifespan on this earth.Can you please give me directions to drive from Upper West Side NYC to Commerse st in Yorktown ny?
The link below is the driving directions from West 96th Street and Broadway in the Upper West Side to Commerce Street in Yorktown, NY.
Total driving time from the Upper West Side to Yorktown takes 41 minutes (70 minutes in traffic).
Good luck
Native New YorkerCan you please give me directions to drive from Upper West Side NYC to Commerse st in Yorktown ny?
There is no easier way, that's just the way it looks when you're going upstate. Lots of RT's and highways crisscrossing each other, small easy to miss exits. You've got the googlemaps directions, now cross check it with yahoo maps and you might even consider contacting AAA for directions as well.
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